Ustazah Farah together with Zee share their personal experience with infertility. They hope their sharing will help others to feel less alone and lonely.
This podcast is in a mix of English and Malay.
All contents and discussions are meant purely for informational and educational purposes only.
In this inaugural episode, Ustazah Farah recalls how she first met Zee, and the question she asked.
The answer Zee gave comforted her enough to make her journey towards acceptance smoother.
At the height of her teenage years, Zee was nonchalant about her menses cycle year-long absence. That was when she found out her diagnosis.
Ustazah Farah had the exact opposite menses cycle from Zee. She was bleeding consistently throughout the year. Her GP had suspected of early menopause. It was only later she was correctly diagnosed.
In this video episode, Ustazah Farah & Zee share their common reception of people’s perceptions throughout their childfree years.
Find out how Zee managed to turn around and own her own narrative. It took her 16 years to get to where she is. But she hopes by sharing this, it can help others to achieve the same state much earlier than she did.
The early years of being married were the hardest for both Ustazah Farah and Zee. They share common anecdotes of what happened. And how did they each cope with hurtful words and actions of others?
While Ustazah Farah has been married for 8 years, Zee has been married for 16 years. How has their respective husbands been supporting them throughout their marriage? How supportive should your husband be?
How do families and friends react around Ustazah Farah & Zee? Are they more positive or have been negative towards their childfree lives?
How important are families and friends’ empathy?
In the last decade, IVF has become increasingly common for those who have been trying to conceive (TTC). Did both Ustazah Farah & Zee consider this route?
Is IVF solely the responsibility and right for a wife to put her foot down? When does it (or any decision) become detrimental to the marriage?
Have both Ustazah Farah & Zee thought about the days when they are not as strong and able as we are now? Do they think of “who will take care of us as we have no children”?
What are their worries for their future?
While both Ustazah Farah & Zee have their respective diagnosis, there are many other diagnosis out there too.
If there are others who are willing to share their infertility journey, please reach out to either Ustazah Farah or Zee via Instagram.