19 Cornelius Years

I often find myself emotional over memories or reflections when the anniversary of a milestone is near. I have been emotional since last week thinking of how long Wan & I have been a couple. 

In these 19 years as the Cornelius couple, we have achieved so much, besides also going through so much blood, sweat and tears. One of the major successes we managed is definitely PlayPause. 

We started creating designs and maintaining websites since the early couple of our dating years. It was only in 2009 we officially registered it as a business. 

The learning curve of running our own design business was such a winding journey. We went through business partners who took advantage of our kindness and naivety. We lost friends who thought we weren’t savvy enough. We’ve had our ideas taken in the pretence of having to work together but being dropped at the last minute. 

We’ve also had clients who turned out to be dearer than friends we’ve had. These are the handful folks who have been supporting us, as the PlayPause collective, in the past recent years. 

I believe PlayPause has achieved success in our own terms. We’ve managed to sustain ourselves over the last decade. 

As a couple, we have powered through 2 domains in these 19 years. We have managed to overcome challenges as business partners, and ironed out marital woes as childless spouses. 


On this momentous day, we are ending the PlayPause chapter. We are no longer taking in new clients. We are only working with the very dear couple of retainer clients whom we are currently serving, under a fresh entity altogether. 

End it on a high note, they say. 

Wan & I are very much still creating designs and maintaining websites; mostly of what we own now. 

As much as you have supported us during our years running PlayPause as a company, I hope you are able to support us in these businesses we are running: 

Chetak: KedaiChetak.com

MentongLah: MentongLah.com 

Wan & I have grown so much in these 19 years. We thank YOU who have been together with us through these arduous journey running PlayPause. It will continue to be a brand which has defined us. 

I am eternally grateful that God has gifted me the Wan guy who held my hand, and walked through these 19 years together. 

To more years of success! 

حي على الفلاح

Aameen Allahumma Aameen!


I'm Zee

I had formal IT education from 1998 to 2002.

After a few years of creating websites purely with HTML, I start designing websites on Wordpress in 2009.

I began using Elementor in 2019.  It changed the way I design websites on the entirety.

I now share my knowledge & experience as a web designer through #WebsiteTips

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Wan & Zee LLP (T20LL0886A)