Why I chose to work with Elementor on WordPress?

7 reasons why I chose Elementor

Elementor has given me the design freedom to be able to achieve how I want a website to function and still looks good. The best part is the ability to design for mobile is almost effortless.

Here are 7 of my professional opinions why I chose Elementor (over all others):

  1. Intuitive tools 
  2. Easy to drag-and-drop tools
  3. WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get
  4. Designing for mobile view is surprisingly simple
  5. Available templates are not rigid to adapt to own colours or design
  6. Page design can be saved as a template
  7. Templates make creating a whole website (or many pages) fast


I’ve been building websites since the early days of the internet. In 1998, during my first year of polytechnic, I sat through basic HTML coding class. It got me excited to see what I could build with simple HTML coding. 

My first paid job, pre PlayPause, was turning a physical map of wafer fab factories around a country into a clickable webpage. 

Over the years, I picked up WordPress. I’ve seen how it has grown magnificent yet making it accessible for me as a web designer. As I got more clients, I kept trying to find the best solution to keep making websites in a shorter time frame without compromising on the design and experience.

I’ve been using Elementor, a page builder, on top of the WordPress platform. It has made my life so much easier especially when I need to create responsive websites; websites that work on both computer/laptop and mobile browsers. In these days where everyone has a mobile phone, creating a website that doesn’t look good on mobile view is quite redundant. 

I hope the above helps!


I'm Zee

I had formal IT education from 1998 to 2002.

After a few years of creating websites purely with HTML, I start designing websites on Wordpress in 2009.

I began using Elementor in 2019.  It changed the way I design websites on the entirety.

I now share my knowledge & experience as a web designer through #WebsiteTips

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Copyright 2020 ® Proudly done with Elementor on Wordpress
Wan & Zee LLP (T20LL0886A)