DreamHost vs BlueHost – Which Do You Need?

(This article is still being developed at this time – 6 Oct 2021)

Dreamhost is LOVE!

I’m a loyal person. I stick to a reliable source for as long as it gives me the support and love I need.

Before I found WordPress, in the early 2000s there was Pitas; an online blogging platform. I created my pages within Pitas using HTML codes. Then I found WordPress, I learnt as I used it. When Pitas decided to close down for good, I had already move into WordPress. Now I’m using WordPress on my own domain.

Before I got my own domain name & hosting, I went around fishing, but caught a gator instead.

When looking for a good host, always try their Live Chat and make a decision based on the below criteria:

  • How fast was the response on Live Chat?
  • Is the Live Chat only for Sales or Tech Support as well?
  • How knowledgeable are the agents? Do they need to escalate to 2nd level or they are able to resolve your query?

After many years with the gator, its Tech Support lapsed badly. My tech questions were escalated to the 2nd level instead of it being resolved quickly as it used to. I had to go on a hunt again for a better reliable host.

I went through two hosts; the blue and the dream. And I decided upon DreamHost because the registration was so clear and no hidden costs involved.

Technical Support Response

In the last four years I’ve been on DreamHost, most technical issues I have are resolved within a Live Chat. Otherwise, when the issue needed to be escalated to 2nd level, I wouldn’t have to wait more than 48hours to have it resolved.


I used to get hack attacks when I was with the previous host. Security is an added cost.

DreamHost’s security over WordPress is also commendable. Perhaps because of how progressive WordPress is now, there are not much security lapses.


DreamHost is recommended by WordPress itself. And it has its own category of WordPress hosting. DreamHost has been smooth for me and the many clients I have recommended to its services too.

As I champion DreamHost, I have signed up as an Affiliate. If you don’t mind helping me earn a little on the side, do click on my link to look into the different options within DreamHost that you can have.

For those who are just trying out, it’s best to choose the Monthly Payment option. You can switch to Yearly Payment option later.

I hope the above helps!


I'm Zee

I had formal IT education from 1998 to 2002.

After a few years of creating websites purely with HTML, I start designing websites on Wordpress in 2009.

I began using Elementor in 2019.  It changed the way I design websites on the entirety.

I now share my knowledge & experience as a web designer through #WebsiteTips

The below recommendations contain affiliate links and help me earn commission but it won’t cost you a thing.

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Wan & Zee LLP (T20LL0886A)