But first..

Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages?

I first learnt of the 5 Love Languages in 2016, from my youngest sister. When Wan & I did the 5 Love Languages quiz respectively, we learnt about each other better.

While my Primary Love Language is Physical Touch, Wan’s Quality Time. I value hand-holding, hugs and back rubs. Wan value spending time together higher.

I feel that couples would understand their better halves in a different light after taking the Couple’s Quiz.

You may also want to read the book, Five Love Languages.


I'm Zee

I had formal IT education from 1998 to 2002.

After a few years of creating websites purely with HTML, I start designing websites on Wordpress in 2009.

I began using Elementor in 2019.  It changed the way I design websites on the entirety.

I now share my knowledge & experience as a web designer through #WebsiteTips

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Wan & Zee LLP (T20LL0886A)